01 Nov

Are You a Spender or a Saver?

Do you like to spend your money fast, or save it for a rainy day? Answer these questions to find out if you’re a spender or a saver.

1. When you get money for your birthday, you:
a. head to the store.
b. save it in your piggy bank.
c. buy one thing you want and save the rest.

2. You see a toy you really want at the toy store for $50. You see a similar toy for $30 in a different store ad. You:
a. buy the original toy. It’s more money, so it must be better.
b. decide not to buy either toy and save your money for something else.
c. look at a few other stores to compare prices.

3. You are walking along the street and see something green. You pick it up and it’s $20! You:
a. walk into the nearest store and buy all you can.
b. put it in your piggy bank until you can go to your credit union.
c. stick it in your wallet until you see something you really want..


If you chose mostly A answers, you’re a spender. You like to spend your money and rarely save it for later.

If you chose mostly B answers, you’re a saver. You like to save your money for a rainy day or something special.

If you chose mostly C answers, you’re a thinker. You may enjoy spending some money, but you think about things first.

Do you want to change your spending habits? Maybe you’d like to put some more coins in your piggy bank. Try saving half of your money and spending half, rather than spending it all. Deposit it in your Navvi-Gator Super Saver’s Club account to keep it safe and sound.