01 Apr

4 Financial Tips for Young Adults

4 Financial Tips for Young Adults
group photo of Gen Z young adults

4 Financial Tips for Young Adults

Gen Z is the first generation to grow up in a fully digital world where spending is quick and easy with just a few clicks online.

It’s so incredibly easy to spend money online. With that comes a need for a bit more responsibility and self-control when trying to outline and prioritize a monthly budget.

Tip #1: Practice mindful spending

Influencer culture is growing and for many young adults this means spending to keep up with the latest trends. Social media encourages heavy spending as a tool to success.

Combat the urge to spend impulsively by waiting a full 24 hours before making an emotional purchase. Drop your wants into your online cart, and look at it in a day or two! After a little time, you are likely to click “delete” on a few items in that cart.

Tip #2: It’s harder to spend cash

Use cash whenever possible. Swiping a card is so easy, but when you have to hand over cash, you might be more likely to think twice about the price of an item.

Cash helps to keep overspending in check and supports more mindful purchases.

Even if you stick to cash for only a week or two, it’s an experience to help build positive spending habits.

Tip #3: Pennies grow with automatic savings

It is important to spend your hard-earned dollars carefully. Just as important is saving some dollars.

Navigator offers a debit card savings program, Save’N Up, that rounds up your debit card purchases to the nearest dollar. That change is then automatically transferred to your Save’N Up savings account which earns an excellent savings rate.

Automatic savings is a great way to build up any savings account, so you can start earning interest. It’s an easy way to put your savings on cruise control!

photo of stacks of pennies growing taller

Tip #4 Build credit with a credit card

Find the credit card that is right for you, and use it as a tool in which to build credit and not as an unlimited resource.

An ideal credit card for young adults with not a lot of credit history is a secured credit card.

A secured credit card can give you a starting credit limit, a great rate, and by paying it off regularly, an opportunity to build your credit score.

Small steps to financial wellness

Have a purpose for your money. Start saving early. Being mindful now will help you to build great habits for the future!

26 Sep

Consejos para hacer compras inteligentes y tener una fiesta de Navidad alegre

Consejos para hacer compras inteligentes y tener una fiesta de Navidad alegre

Consejos para hacer compras inteligentes y tener una fiesta de Navidad alegre


Las interrupciones de la cadena de suministro impulsadas por la pandemia y las demoras en los envíos podrían hacer que el esparcimiento de la alegría navideña sea más desafiante este año. Pero esto no ha impedido que las personas vayan a las tiendas o compren en línea para encontrar los regalos perfectos para sus seres queridos.

Se espera que los consumidores gasten un 5% más este año, un promedio de $1,463 por hogar, según una encuesta de Deloitte. Navigator Credit Union tiene cinco formas en que usted puede conquistar la temporada de compras navideñas.

Compre temprano

Seguramente ha escuchado el dicho: Al que madruga, Dios lo ayuda. En este caso, el que madruga recibe los regalos más codiciados, como los mejores aparatos electrónicos y sistemas de juego. Estos artículos son casi imposibles de encontrar en esta temporada navideña, en parte debido a la escasez de microchips. Si encuentra un artículo de venta rápida que tiene en su lista de compras, tómelo inmediatamente. Si espera una mejor oferta, es posible que ya no pueda encontrarlo.

Sea flexible

Este año, tal vez no pueda encontrar todos los artículos que tiene en su lista de regalos. Si tiene un plan B y puede ser un poco flexible, podrá agarrar las mejores compras cuando las vea. Mientras menos flexible sea con respecto a marcas específicas y productos populares, más tendrá que pagar.

Considere regalar tarjetas de regalo y vales canjeables

Las tarjetas de regalo y los vales canjeables son los regalos navideños más solicitados desde hace más de 15 años. La facilidad y conveniencia de comprar una tarjeta o un vale también los ha hecho populares entre los donantes de regalos. Muchos minoristas ofrecen tarjetas de regalo en línea que se envían al destinatario en cuestión de minutos. No tendrá que preocuparse por regalos que no llegan a la hora ni por artículos agotados. Esté atento a restaurantes y minoristas que ofrecen tarjetas de bonificación cuando compra una tarjeta de regalo. Por ejemplo, un restaurante puede ofrecer una tarjeta de bonificación de $10 si compra una tarjeta de regalo de $50. La tarjeta de bonificación generalmente tendrá un período de canje específico, pero son un punto extra excelente si ya está comprando tarjetas de regalo para entregar como obsequios.

Utilice su tarjeta de recompensas

Cuando use una tarjeta de crédito para hacer compras, asegúrese de usar una tarjeta que también le brinde beneficios a usted. Busque tarjetas de crédito que ofrezcan reembolsos en efectivo y puntos especiales durante la temporada de fiestas, de modo que usted sea recompensado cuando gasta. Si tiene más de una tarjeta de crédito, use la que tenga la tasa de interés anual más baja para evitar seguir pagando las compras de esta Navidad en los próximos años.

Por un tiempo limitado, los nuevos titulares de tarjetas Navigator Platinum Rewards pueden aprovechar una APR introductoria de 4.99% en todas las compras durante seis meses. Además, no tiene que pagar una tarifa anual ni de transferencia de saldo ni de adelanto de efectivo. Los titulares de tarjeta también ganan recompensas uChoose® ilimitadas. Puede canjear los puntos por miles de opciones, incluido el reembolso en efectivo. Para obtener más información sobre esta oferta por tiempo limitado, visite navigatorcu.org/your-card.

Aproveche los envíos gratis

Una de las mejores formas de ahorrar cuando compre en línea es asegurarse de no pagar por el envío. Muchos sitios web ofrecen envíos gratis si gasta una cantidad mínima. Algunos minoristas ofrecen envío gratis sin exigir una compra mínima o envío gratis a su tienda local. Luego puede recoger su regalo en el servicio de atención al cliente o solicitar una entrega en la acera.

Las fiestas de fin de año deben ser un momento para relajarse y disfrutar del tiempo con la familia y los amigos; no se estrese usted mismo posponiendo las compras para última hora. Respire hondo, planifique un poco y compre de manera inteligente esta temporada. ¡Felices fiestas de fin de año de todos nosotros en Navigator!

¡Derroche más alegría con la ayuda de Navigator!

La Navidad es una época maravillosa del año, con regalos y buena comida, familiares y amigos. ¡Pero también puede ser una época del año de muchos gastos!

Estas son tres formas en las que Navigator puede ayudarle a reducir el estrés en esta temporada navideña.

  • Refinancie su préstamo automotriz con Navigator y elija entre 90 días sin pago de cuotas O $150 de reembolso en efectivo. Haga clic aquí here para ver todos los detalles.
  • Un préstamo navideño es una solución financiera sensata que le otorga el dinero extra que necesita, para lo que necesite. ¡Solicite su préstamo hoy mismo!
  • ¿Tiene un préstamo con nosotros? Puede saltarse un pago y utilizar los fondos para sus gastos navideños. ¿Tiene más de un préstamo elegible? ¡Puede saltarse un pago en cada uno de ellos! Obtenga más información en https://navigatorcu.org/skip-a-pay/.

APR=Tasa de interés anual. Membresía y crédito basados en requisitos de elegibilidad. Los nuevos titulares de tarjeta pagan una APR introductoria del 4.99% durante los primeros 6 ciclos de facturación a partir de la apertura de la cuenta. Después de ese tiempo, la APR será del 10.90% y del 12.90% en función de la solvencia. Oferta sujeta a cambios sin aviso previo. Vea el acuerdo de Visa para revisar los términos y condiciones de uChoose Rewards® . uChoose Rewards® es una marca registrada de Fiserv Solutions, Inc. Visa® es una marca registrada de VISA Inc.

26 Sep

Smart Shopping Tips for Cheerful Holidays

Smart Shopping Tips for Cheerful Holidays

Smart Shopping Tips for Cheerful Holidays


Supply chain disruptions fueled by the pandemic and shipping delays could make spreading holiday cheer more challenging this year. But it’s not stopping people from hitting stores and shopping online to find the perfect gifts for loved ones.

Consumers are expected to spend 5% more this year –an average of $1,463 per household, according to a survey by Deloitte. Navigator Credit Union has five ways you can conquer the holiday shopping season.

Shop Early

You’ve heard of the saying: the early bird gets the worm. In this case, the early bird gets the most coveted gifts like top electronics and gaming systems. These items are next to impossible to find this holiday season, in part due to the chip shortage. When you find a hot item on your shopping list, scoop it up. If you wait for a better deal, you may not be able to find it at all.

Be Flexible

This year, you may not be able to find every item on your gift list. If you have a backup plan and can be a little flexible, you'll be able to snag the better buys when you see them. The less flexible you are regarding specific brands and popular products, the more you may have to pay.

Consider Gift Cards and Vouchers

Gift cards and vouchers are the most requested holiday gifts for more than 15 years. The ease and convenience of buying one have made them popular among gift givers as well. Many retailers offer online gift cards that are sent to the recipient in a matter of minutes. You'll have no worries about late gifts or out-of-stock items. Be on the lookout for restaurants and retailers that offer Bonus Cards when you buy a gift card. For example, a restaurant may offer a Bonus Card for $10 if you buy a $50 gift card. The Bonus Card will usually have a specific redemption window, but they are a nice extra if you are already buying gift cards to give as gifts.

Use Your Rewards Card

When you’re using a credit card to make purchases, be sure you use a card that provides benefits to you as well. Look for credit cards that offer cashback and holiday special points so you’ll get rewarded while you’re spending. And if you have more than one credit card, use the one with the lowest annual interest rate to avoid paying for this Christmas for years to come.

For a limited time, new Navigator Platinum Rewards cardholders can take advantage of a low 4.99% introductory APR on purchases for six months. There’s also no annual fee, no balance transfer fee and no cash advance fees. Cardholders also earn unlimited uChoose® rewards. You can redeem the points for thousands of options – including cashback. Learn more about this limited-time offer by visiting navigatorcu.org/your-card.

Score Free Shipping

One of the best ways to save when ordering online is to make sure you do not pay for shipping. Many websites offer free shipping if you spend a minimum amount. Some retailers offer free shipping with no minimum purchase or free shipping to their local store. You can then pick your gift up at customer service or request curb-side delivery.

The holidays should be a time to relax and enjoy time with family and friends – don’t let yourself get stressed out by last-minute shopping expeditions. Take a deep breath, do some planning and shop smart this season. Happy holidays from all of us at Navigator!

Spread More Cheer with help from Navigator!

Christmas is a wonderful time of year, with gifts and good food, family and friends. It can also be an expensive time of year!

Here are three ways Navigator can help you stress less this holiday season.

  • Refinance your auto loan with Navigator and choose between 90 days no payment OR $150 cash back. Click here for complete details.
  • A holiday loan is a sensible financial solution to provide you with the extra cash you need, for whatever you need. Apply today!
  • Do you have a loan with us? You can skip a payment and use the funds towards your holiday expenses. Have more than one eligible loan? Skip a payment on each one! Learn more at https://navigatorcu.org/skip-a-pay/.

APR=Annual Percentage Rate. Membership and credit eligibility requirements apply. New cardholders pay a 4.99% introductory APR for the first 6 billing cycles from account opening. After that, the APR will be 10.90% or 12.90% based on creditworthiness. Offer subject to change without notice. See Visa agreement for uChoose Rewards® terms and conditions. uChoose Rewards® is a registered trademark of Fiserv Solutions, Inc. Visa® is a registered trademark of VISA Inc.

26 Sep

Hang up on Spoofing Scams!

Hang up on Spoofing Scams!

Hang up on Spoofing Scams!

Protecting your privacy is a promise we take very seriously at Navigator, and the security and confidentiality of your personal information are important to us. That’s why we want to make you aware of the latest scam affecting our Members in Mississippi and Alabama.

It’s called a caller ID spoofing scam, and some Members have already been fooled into thinking they are speaking with their Credit Union when they’re giving their passwords, PINs and other sensitive account information to scammers. This has resulted in thousands of dollars in fraudulent charges and withdrawals from their accounts, and we want to help protect other Members from becoming victims.

Spoofing is when someone deliberately falsifies the information transmitted to your caller ID display to disguise their identity. Scammers often spoof a number from a company you already know and trust like your financial institution to gain your personal information.

In these cases, the caller ID displayed Navigator Credit Union, but it was NOT Navigator making the call. We will never call, text or e-mail you and ask for your debit card PIN or online banking password to verify or authenticate your identity. In fact, there is no legitimate reason any financial institution would ever need your debit card PIN or online banking password. For a scammer, on the other hand, it's just what they need to make your money their money.

Here are some ways you can avoid becoming a victim of account fraud:

  • Never give out your PINs or passwords! Navigator will never ask for that information. If our Fraud Department contacts you to verify whether a transaction was made by you, all we need is a yes or no answer. Anyone asking for more is unlikely to be from the Credit Union.

  • Your safest bet, if you're ever contacted and asked to provide sensitive account or personal information, are to hang up and call us directly to verify, unless you initiated the contact. If the caller ID says it is from Navigator, you can let it go to voicemail then return the call by directly dialing Navigator’s toll-free number (800-344-3281).

  • If you do pick up and at any point feel uncomfortable, hang up and dial Navigator directly.

  • Program our Fraud Department’s number (877-253-8964) into your saved contacts so you’ll know it’s a legitimate number calling you.

    • Our Fraud Department will only ask you to confirm or deny transactions. We will not ask for personal information.

If you do receive a suspicious call, text or e-mail, or notice banking activity you don't recognize, please contact us right away. Navigator Team Members are here to take immediate action to help protect you and your accounts from further exposure.

26 Sep

Cozy Beef Stew

Cozy Beef Stew

Cozy Beef Stew

This beef stew uses baby red potatoes and baby carrots, eliminating some of the peeling and chopping usually needed when using traditional baking potatoes and large carrots.

Servings: 12; Calories: 326 Per Serving; Protein: 35g Per Serving; Fiber: 8g Per Serving


4 pounds boneless sirloin steak, all visible fat discarded, cut into 1-inch cubes
4 cups baby red potatoes, halved
4 cups baby carrots
2 medium onions, chopped
2 cups chopped celery
1 15-ounce can no-salt-added tomato sauce
10 ounces dried lima beans, sorted for stones and shriveled beans, rinsed, and drained
2 tablespoons brown sugar
1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon quick-cooking tapioca
2 teaspoons pepper
1 teaspoon celery salt
1 teaspoon dried parsley, crumbled
1 teaspoon dried thyme, crumbled
1 cup water


Directions for Freezing

In a large bowl, stir together all the ingredients except the water. Transfer the mixture equally between two 1-gallon re-sealable plastic freezer bags. Lay the bags flat in the freezer.

Directions for Cooking

If frozen, thaw the bags in the refrigerator overnight. Pour the contents into a slow cooker. Stir in the water. Cook, covered, on low for 4 to 6 hours, or until the vegetables are tender.

Recipe courtesy of the American Heart Association.

26 Sep

SSA Announces Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA)

SSA Announces Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA)

SSA Announces Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA)

5.9% is the biggest COLA increase in decades.

Provided by Jeffrey C. Hamm

The Social Security Administration (SSA) says Social Security recipients will receive a 5.9 percent cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) for 2022, the largest increase in four decades. This adjustment will begin with benefits payable to more than 64 million Social Security beneficiaries in January 2022. Additionally, increased payments to more than 8 million Supplemental Security Income (SSI) beneficiaries will begin on December 31, 2021.1

Biggest COLA Increase in Decades?

While many predicted a bump of as much as 6.1% given recent movement in the Consumer Price Index (CPI), the announced 5.9% increase is still substantial. Some fear that rising consumer prices may dilute the impact of the increase with inflation currently running at more than 5 percent. While this remains to be seen, Social Security beneficiaries will no doubt welcome the largest adjustment in many years.1

How You Will Be Notified.

According to the Social Security Administration, Social Security and SSI beneficiaries are usually notified about their new benefit amount by mail starting in early December. However, if you’ve set up your SSA online account, you will also be able to view your COLA notice online through your “My Social Security” account.1

Next Steps?

If this increase surprises or concerns you, it's always a good idea to seek guidance from your financial professional about changes to any of your sources of retirement income. I welcome a chance to talk with you about this.

Jeff Hamm may be reached at 228-474-3427.

Learn more about NCU Wealth Management.

This material was prepared by MarketingPro, Inc., and does not necessarily represent the views of the presenting party, nor their affiliates. This information has been derived from sources believed to be accurate. Please note - investing involves risk, and past performance is no guarantee of future results. The publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other professional services. If assistance is needed, the reader is advised to engage the services of a competent professional. This information should not be construed as investment, tax or legal advice and may not be relied on for the purpose of avoiding any Federal tax penalty. This is neither a solicitation nor recommendation to purchase or sell any investment or insurance product or service, and should not be relied upon as such. All indices are unmanaged and are not illustrative of any particular investment.

Securities sold, advisory services offered through CUNA Brokerage Services, Inc. (CBSI), member FINRA/SIPC , a registered broker/dealer and investment advisor. CBSI is under contract with the financial institution to make securities available to members. Not NCUA/NCUSIF/FDIC insured, May Lose Value, No Financial Institution Guarantee. Not a deposit of any financial institution.


  1. SSA.gov, October 13, 2021
23 Sep

Break Free from High Rates and Extra Fees with a Credit Card from Your Credit Union

Break Free from High Rates and Extra Fees with a Credit Card from Your Credit Union

Break Free from High Rates and Extra Fees with a Credit Card from Your Credit Union


You’ve probably seen the ads or get the offers in your mailbox. Financial institutions – big and small – are vying for a credit card slot in your wallet. With bank fees and interest rates on the rise, a credit card from a credit union could make better financial sense than a traditional bank-issued card. Here’s why.

Lower fees

Credit unions are not-for-profit and owned by members. Because they don’t have to pay investors, members can expect fewer fees. Only about 10% of credit unions charge annual fees for credit cards, compared to 45% of banks.1 Maximum late payment fees are also 50% more at banks, on average.1 With foreign transaction fees, banks charge almost double what credit unions do.2 And most credit unions don’t charge anything for balance transfers, while you can expect to pay between 3% and 5% at most banks.3 All that’s true for the Navigator Platinum Rewards card which charges no annual fee, no balance transfer fee and no cash advance fees.

Lower rates

The annual percentage rate (APR) is another area where you could save by choosing a credit union. Credit card APRs are generally lower on credit union cards. Right now, new Navigator Platinum Rewards cardholders can qualify to take advantage of a limited-time offer of 4.99% APR on purchases for the first six months. When the introductory period is over, the rate reverts to the regular rate which is significantly lower than that offered by most banks and store credit cards. Regardless of the APR, remember you can avoid any interest charges by always paying your bills on time and in full.

More willing to work with bad credit

Credit unions are more likely to work with people who have a less-than-stellar credit history to find the best solution for them. Navigator’s Share Secured Visa® Card is an invaluable tool whether you’re looking to rebuild credit or establish credit. Your secured credit card is backed by a cash deposit. The deposit is usually equal to the credit limit to make purchases. You get the deposit back when you upgrade to a regular “unsecured” card or close the account in good standing. As you use the card, Navigator reports your activity to all three credit bureaus. Keep your balance relatively low and pay your bill on time every month, and you can begin to strengthen your credit. In addition, Navigator’s Platinum Reward card credit score requirements are set to allow more Members to qualify, even many who might not meet credit score requirements of other financial institutions.

Better customer service

Large banks have millions of customers from around the country. At a local credit union, you can expect a more personalized experience. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your credit card from a credit union, it’s easy to connect with the customer service team for valuable help tailored to your needs.

Earn cashback with every purchase

The Navigator Platinum Rewards card is another great way to pay for school supplies. For a limited time, we’re offering a low 4.99% introductory APR on purchases for six months! There’s also no annual fee, no balance transfer fee and no cash advance fees. Cardholders also earn unlimited uChoose® rewards. You can redeem the points for thousands of options – including cashback. Learn more about this limited-time offer by visiting navigatorcu.org/your-card.

1Source: Bankrate
2Source: CompareCards.
3Source: Credit Card Insider.
4Source: National Credit Union Administration.

APR=Annual Percentage Rate. Credit eligibility requirements apply. New cardholders pay a 4.99% introductory APR for the first 6 billing cycles from account opening. After that, the APR will be 10.90% and 12.90% based on creditworthiness. Offer subject to change without notice. See Visa agreement for uChoose Rewards® terms and conditions. uChoose Rewards® is a registered trademark of Fiserv Solutions, Inc. Visa® is a registered trademark of VISA Inc.

23 Sep

Rosemary-Peach Chicken Kebabs with Orange Glaze

Rosemary-Peach Chicken Kebabs with Orange Glaze

Rosemary-Peach Chicken Kebabs with Orange Glaze

Servings: 2; Calories: 202 Per Serving; Protein: 25g Per Serving; Fiber: 2g Per Serving


Cooking spray
1 lb. boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut into 16 1½-inch pieces, all visible fat discarded
2 large ripe but firm peaches, cut into 16 1-inch wedges
1 large green bell pepper, cut into 16 1½-inch squares
1/4 tsp. pepper
1/8 tsp. salt
3/4 tsp. grated orange zest
3 Tbsp. fresh orange juice
3 Tbsp. chopped, fresh rosemary
1½ tsp. honey
1½ tsp. canola oil or corn oil


Lightly spray the grill rack with cooking spray. Preheat the grill on medium.

Meanwhile, thread the chicken, peaches, and bell pepper alternately onto four 14- to 16-inch metal skewers. Sprinkle the pepper and salt over the kebabs.

In a small bowl, whisk together the glaze ingredients. Set aside half the glaze (about 2 tablespoons). Brush both sides of the kebabs with the remaining glaze.

Grill the kebabs for 6 to 8 minutes, or until the chicken is no longer pink in the center and the vegetables are almost tender, turning once halfway through and brushing with the reserved 2 tablespoons of glaze, using a clean basting brush. Reduce the heat or move the kebabs to a cooler area of the grill if they are cooking too fast.

Submit a recipe for a chance to be featured in Anchor Lines!

Calling all cooks! You have a chance to be featured in the next issue of Anchor Lines. We are asking for your favorite recipe. It could be one that’s been passed down in your family, an original recipe or something you’ve customized and adapted over the years. And if you can’t decide which is your favorite, send more than one! To submit a recipe, email it along with a photo to communications@navigatorcu.org. Please include your name, address, daytime phone number and a brief note about why you love it or how you came up with it. We can’t wait to share some of your favorite dishes with other Navigator Members!

By submitting a recipe, you’re granting Navigator permission to publish the recipe. Any recipe used will include attribution

Recipe courtesy of the American Heart Association

23 Sep

The New Inherited IRA Rules

The New Inherited IRA Rules

The New Inherited IRA Rules

Do you know what has changed for IRA beneficiaries?

Provided by Jeffrey C. Hamm

New inherited IRA rules took effect on January 1, 2020. The Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act became law on that day, altering the regulations on inherited Individual Retirement Account (IRA) distributions.

The big change: the introduction of the 10-year rule for beneficiaries. Most people who inherit an IRA now have to empty that IRA of assets within ten years of the original owner's death. You can do this as you wish; you can withdraw the whole IRA balance at once, or take incremental distributions on the way to meeting the 10-year deadline.1

Remember that tax rules constantly change. There is no guarantee that the tax treatment of Roth and Traditional IRAs will remain what it is now. This article is for informational purposes only. If you have inherited or expect to inherit a traditional or Roth IRA, be sure to consult a financial professional for real-world advice.

Are there exceptions to this rule? Yes. If the deceased IRA owner was your spouse, you can treat the inherited IRA like an IRA of your own. If it is a traditional IRA, you generally must take required minimum distributions (RMDs) from it once you reach age 72. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) taxes those distributions as regular income, and if you take any distributions before age 59½, they may be subject to a 10% federal income tax penalty. If it is a Roth IRA, you aren't required to take RMDs. (You may continue to contribute to a Traditional IRA past age 72 as long as you meet the earned-income requirement.)1

Certain non-spousal IRA beneficiaries still have the chance to "stretch" inherited IRA distributions over their remaining lifetimes, using Internal Revenue Service formulas (a choice available to most IRA beneficiaries before 2020). You may choose this option if you are less than ten years younger than the original IRA owner. You can also elect to do this if you meet the SECURE Act's definition of a "disabled" or "chronically ill" individual (you have a life-altering physical or mental impairment or require extended care).1,2

Lastly, if a child inherits an IRA, they can take distributions based on the child's life expectancy until the age of 18, at which point the aforementioned 10-year rule applies.1

If you are a Roth IRA beneficiary, be aware of the 5-year rule pertaining to Roth IRAs. If you inherit a Roth IRA that is less than five years old at the time of the original owner's death, any earnings taken from it will count as taxable income. If the Roth IRA is more than five years old, you can take tax-free distributions from the earnings. Assets representing the original owner's Roth IRA contributions can become tax-free distributions regardless of when the original owner opened the Roth IRA1

What's the big takeaway from all this? Suppose you are relatively young and anticipate a large IRA inheritance, and that big IRA is a traditional IRA. In that case, you can anticipate greater income taxes during the 10-year window when you take those inherited IRA distributions.

By the way, the new rules do not apply to inherited IRAs whose initial owners died prior to 2020. If you are a beneficiary of such an IRA, then you may still attempt to "stretch" the inherited IRA assets according to IRS life expectancy formulas and take RMDs as required by the old rules.3

Jeff Hamm may be reached at 228-474-3427.

Learn more about NCU Wealth Management.

Representatives are registered, securities sold, advisory services offered through CUNA Brokerage Services, Inc. (CBSI), member FINRA/SIPC, a registered broker/dealer and investment advisor, which is not an affiliate of the credit union. CBSI is under contract with the financial institution to make securities available to members. Not NCUA/NCUSIF/FDIC insured, May Lose Value, No Financial Institution Guarantee. Not a deposit of any financial institution.

This material was prepared by MarketingPro, Inc., and does not necessarily represent the views of the presenting party, nor their affiliates. This information has been derived from sources believed to be accurate. Please note - investing involves risk, and past performance is no guarantee of future results. The publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other professional services. If assistance is needed, the reader is advised to engage the services of a competent professional. This information should not be construed as investment, tax or legal advice and may not be relied on for the purpose of avoiding any Federal tax penalty. This is neither a solicitation nor recommendation to purchase or sell any investment or insurance product or service, and should not be relied upon as such. All indices are unmanaged and are not illustrative of any particular investment.


  1. NerdWallet, November 25, 2020
  2. FedWeek, March 3, 2020
  3. Forbes, October 28, 2020
23 Sep

Road Trip Trends

Road Trip Trends

Road Trip Trends

Are you ready for a summer road trip in a new ride? Make the most of every mile with an auto loan from Navigator with rates as low as 1.99% APR. Get pre-approved today. Learn more at navigatorcu.org/auto-loan.

APR=Annual Percentage Rate. Rates are subject to change without notice. The payment amount would be $325.37 for $15,000 financed at 1.99% for 48 months. Subject to credit and membership criteria.