15 Oct

The history of money: Fun facts

Did you know that over the last 10,000 years, money has changed a lot? It’s gone from cattle and shells to today’s electronic currency. Here are some fun facts about how money has changed!

Trading used to be used for everything. Just like you might trade baseball or other cards with your friends, people used to trade for everything. Farmers might trade their corn to their neighbor the shoemaker for a pair of shoes. This type of trading was called bartering.

The first coins date back all the way to 700 B.C. They were used by a group of people called the Lydians who live in what is known today as Turkey. Do you have any old coins you collect? A coin from 1950 is old to us, but even that coin was made over 2,600 years after the first coins!

The first paper money was used in China around A.D. 800. That was many years before Europeans started using paper banknotes. But, too much paper money was made. After about 500 years of use, paper money disappeared from China for a long time.

It’s amazing to think how much money has changed over the years. Now your parents probably use electronic transactions more than paper money and coins! What do you think money will be like in another 10,000 years?

15 Oct

How to help others this Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a special day. Many families cook a turkey and eat their favorite foods. It is also a day of giving thanks for all the good things you have.

Some families may not have money for a big meal during the holidays. Other people don’t have family and friends to share it with. That’s why many people help others in need during the holiday season.

Here are some ways you and your family can help others.

Donate food to a food shelf. Ask your mom or dad to buy extra food when grocery shopping for your family’s meal. Help deliver the extra bags of food to places that give the food to those who may go hungry without it.

Make holiday cards for older people in nursing homes. There are people with few friends or family members close by. Cheer them up with a homemade holiday card just for them!

Serve food to the homeless. Find a group that is planning to serve a meal to those in need on Thanksgiving. See if your family is willing to volunteer and help serve the meal.

Invite another family to your holiday dinner. Do you have a friend at school whose family is not able to have a special dinner? Ask your parents if you can invite them to your house.

At Navigator Credit Union, we also believe in helping others. We help you reach important goals each time you save money in your Navigator Credit Union savings account.